How We Partner

Our model is simple and risk-free.

We get paid when you pay less for Salesforce

Step 1 - Initial Consultation

Reach out and schedule a 30-60 minute call with our team to discuss your current situation with Salesforce. Whether you are looking at your first contract, adding on new licenses or an upcoming renewal, we can help.

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Step 2 - Discovery and Understanding

Lets get an NDA in place and dig deeper. We'll learn more about your use cases, business and IT requirements, user profiles, budget and business case to make sure you get exactly what you need from Salesforce. 

If it makes sense to proceed, we'll sign an agreement and collect a $2,500 retainer that is netted out of our "success fee" post deal closure with Salesforce.

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Step 3 - Negotiate and Close the Deal

This is where the fun happens! Our team works with yours to align all critical requirements and negotiate a great deal with Salesforce representing clear annual savings to you.

Whatever annualized savings are recognized, you keep 80% and we keep 20% as a "success fee", less our $2,500 retainer. If for some reason you aren't able to recognize annual savings of at least$10,000  the retainer is returned to you.

Example Fee Model:

Client saves $100,000 annually on their Salesforce agreement. The client keeps $80,000 of the saving (80%). Three 18 Group earns a success fee of $17,500 (20% less initial $2,500 retainer).

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Let's Connect

Pay less for Salesforce starting right now

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